What am I working on?
Sometimes I find that the tip of my pen is dry and it blocks the ink flowing. In such tragic cases, before I'm able to write anything, I first need to viciously scratch on a piece of paper, leaving deep grooves of nothingness followed eventually by black zig-zagging lines. I think that this is a sort of commentary on how writing in general goes. This week I've been doing a bit of pen scratching, trying to get the ink to flow (actually, I alternated between pencil and keyboard, but you know)... One of the things I've been scribbling out is a short-story. This may not be a good sign but I don't quite know how to summarize what it's about. There's nothing "Earth-shattering" about it. The story, message, and twist are all very simple.
How do I feel about the process?
I'm enjoying creating lines that make my characters more believable and real.
Everything else is hard.
What am I reading?
"Pat of Silver Bush" and "the Two Towers" are still stacked on my nightstand. Those books really don't go together at all but, as I've mentioned, they're a couple of my favorites!
Total word count: 1,000+
I've had a pen-scratching week too!